European experience in action: EUAM experts conducted a three-day training at Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs

For three days the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs hosted representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM). This visit became an important step in the development of cooperation, which opens up new horizons for joint projects in education and practical training, exchange of experience and identification of new areas of cooperation. The delegation…

Students of DonSUIA “Legal Defense” clinic acquired practical skills in the field of international criminal law

Higher education seekers of the DonSUIA “Legal Defense” clinic took part in a simulated trial based on the plot: “Hearings of the Pre-Trial Chamber of the International Criminal Court in the case “Prosecutor v. Rinaldi”. The sittting took place in the University specialized educational facility the “Court Room”. The purpose of the class was for…

DonSUIA cadets learned about the peculiarities of questionting children in the “Green Room”

The DonSUIA 4th year cadets of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units learned about practical aspects of implementing modern methods of interviewing and interrogating children in contact with law. Senior inspector for special assignments of the juvenile prevention department Khrystyna Melnyk took the cadets on an excursion to the Main Office of…

A new specialized educational facility was opened at the DonSUIA with the support of the EUAM

With the support of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM), a new specialized educational facility “the Court Hall” was opened at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, which will expand the opportunities of training highly qualified specialists. The interactive space is furnished with modern equipment, which was donated to the University by the representatives…

ENGLISH DISCUSSION CLUB of DonSUIA: Children’s Rights Protection in the Context of European Experience

The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs held a regular meeting of a discussion club on the theme “Children’s rights protection”. The speakers of the event were representatives of the European Union Advisory Mission (EUAM): police-community interaction advisers/trainers Georgina Magnussen (Denmark) and Heidi Kotamaki (Finland); adviser on reforming the prosecutor’s office Andrii Markov (Ukraine); law…

“Application of artificial intelligence in learning foreign languages”: cadets of DonSUIA master innovative teaching methods

Oksana Dudina, regional coordinator of the Young Scientists Council under the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine in the Kirovohrad region, held an innovative workshop “Application of artificial intelligence in learning foreign languages” for higher education seekers of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. The purpose of the event was to inform young…

“The Body’s of the National Police of Ukraine Activity in the Field of Countering Illegal Circulation of Firearms: Main Problems and Ways to Solve Them”: DonSUIA Presented Results of Analytical Study

The results of an analytical study “The body’s of the National Police of Ukraine activity in the sphere of combating illegal circulation of firearms: the main problems and ways to solve them” were presented to the participants of a round table held at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. Its purpose is to identify…