Master’s graduates of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units, of specialty 081 “Law” completed their state certification and confirmed their high qualification and readiness for service.
Young officers will continue their professional activities in mid-level positions in the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine in investigative units, an investigation sector and the convoy service of the Kirovohrad, Zaporizhzhia, Poltava, Cherkasy, and Kharkiv regions.
On behalf of the DonSUIA rector, Serhii Vitvitskyi, the University vice-rectors Olena Volobuieva and Ruslan Vradii congratulated the graduates. They admitted the policemen’s perseverance, their desire for knowledge and wished them to be faithful to their duty and always behave with honor and dignity.
The masters thanked the administration and teachers for their support, professionalism, individual approach, interesting study, qualitative knowledge and valuable experience on the way of becoming a professional.
The DonSUIA congratulates law enforcement officers on completing their training and wishes them easy service, career growth and new achievements!