Cadets of Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs were familirized with activities of “102” service department and situation center

Cadets of the faculty of training specialists for preventive activities units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs got familirized with the work of the department of organizational analytical support and operational response of the Main Office of the National Police in the Kirovohrad region. The excursion was conducted by head of the duty…

Edu_DonSUIA_Campus: Educational workshops on orientation in the terrain have started at DonSUIA

A series of educational workshops on orientation in the terrain have been launched at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs with the participation of specialists from the Donetsk regional center for tourism and local history for student youth. The purpose of the event is theoretical and practical training of higher education seekers in acquiring…

EUAM representative shared practical experience of using OSIT-technologies in criminal investigations with DonSUIA cadets

A regular meeting of a discussion club on the topic «The use of OSINT technologies in criminal investigations» has been held at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. A European Union Advisory Mission representative, adviser/trainer on criminal investigations Desiree Hufnagel (Austria) shared her practical experience of using OSINT technologies in the course of criminal…

Scientific monograph «Forensic teaching on collection, investigation and use of evidence in criminal proceedings» has been published in DonSUIA

A monograph «Forensic teaching on collection, investigation and use of evidence in criminal proceedings» by candidate of legal sciences, associate professor Artem Kovalenko has been published in the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. In his work, senior researcher of the scientific research laboratory of communities’ public security at the faculty of training specialists for…

Students of MCPPT «Police Academy» of DonSUIA mastered techniques to overcome stress

Students of the Mariupol Center for Primary Professional Training “Police Academy” of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs took part in the “Modern Relaxation Methods” training. Oleksandra Kharchenko, a specialist of the psychological support unit of the DonSUIA personnel support department, told the police officers about the mechanisms of stress and offered effective methods…

“Education of integrity”: DonSUIA conducted ethical leadership training for young commanders

A training “Ethical leadership and solving dilemmas. Restrictions and prohibitions as a component of virtuous behavior of a policeman” was held for higher education seekers – deputy platoon commanders at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. The event was opened by Marina Kohut, coordinator of the NATO Integrity Education Program. She noted the key…