DonSUIA higher education students met with National Agency for Corruption Prevention expert

The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs held a meeting of higher education seekers with deputy head of enlightenment activity unit of the department of enlightenment activity and educational programs of the National Agency for Corruption Prevention, an expert of Integrity Office, Victoria Skorobogata. On behalf of the University rector Serhii Vitvitskyi, the guests were…

DonSUIA took part in city-wide events for the Day of Unification of Ukraine in Kropyvnytskyi

On the occasion of the 106th anniversary of proclaming the Act of Unification of Ukrainian Lands, vice-rector of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs Ruslan Vradii honored the memory of one of the founders of Ukrainian statehood, head of the first Ukrainian government, Volodymyr Vynnychenko. Together with the representatives of the Kirovohrad Regional Military…

“Road traffic safety”: listeners of MCPPP “Police Academy” of DonSUIA conducted interactive class for lyceum students

Educational security service police officers, which undergo training at the Mariupol primary professional training center “Police Academy” of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, held an educational event “Road traffic safety” for the students of the “Mriia” Lyceum of the Kropyvnytskyi City Council. The purpose of the event is to form in children skills…

From theory to practice: DonSUIA cadets undergo their internship in territorial units of Ukrainian police

66 higher education seekers of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs are currently successfully undergoing their internship in the National Police territorial units of 15 regions of Ukraine. Under the guidance of highly qualified police officers, future investigators, inquirers and criminologists take an active…

«Generation 1325: Security through girls’ participation»: International Project on Gender equality is being implemented in DonSUIA

The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs acted as a partner in the implementation of the project «Generation 1325: Security through girls’ participation», which was launched in the Kirovohrad region. The program is implemented by the Kirovohrad Association «Civic Initiatives» with the support of the International Charitable Foundation «Ukrainian Women’s Fund» and the Government of…

DonSUIA rector Serhii Vitvitskyi signed a memorandum of cooperation with head of NGO “International Association of Polygraph Examiners” Maksym Klymenko

A working meeting between the University rector Serhii Vitvitskyi and head of the non-governmental organization “International Association of Polygraph Examiners” Maksym Klymenko was held at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. The participants of the dialogue discussed implementation of joint events, projects, and educational programs aimed at improving the professional level of higher education…