DonSUIA Rector Serhii Vitvitskyi Reported on University’s Activities in 2023/2024 Academic Year and Presented Development Strategy until 2028

At the general meeting of the University staff, the DonSUIA rector, police colonel Serhii Vitvitskyi, summed up the activities of the higher education institution with specific study conditions for 2023-2024 academic year and outlined strategic fields of work for further period. “Undoubtedly, all the achievements that we have today are, firstly, the result of painstaking…

DonSUIA Cadets Have Gained Practical Combat Skills

At the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, special attention is paid to higher education seekers’ acquiring practical skills, which are based on the military component. Cadets of the faculty of Training Specialists for Preventive Activity Units were instructed in firearms, tactical, pre-medical and military activities at a special training ground. Boys and girls practiced…

“Actual problems of labor and social security law”: Scientists from DonSUIA took part in an international conference

Head of the Department of Civil, Labor and Social Security Law of the Faculty of Law, Management and Economic Security of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, Doctor of Law, Professor Tetiana Koliesnik and Doctor of Law, Professor Mykola Klemparskyi took part in the XIV International Scientific and Practical Conference “Actual problems of labor…

DonSUIA Summed up the Results of the II International Legal Contest of Scientific Articles among Higher Education Seekers

The DonSUIA held the 2nd International Legal Contest of scientific articles among higher education seekers. Its purpose was creating conditions for the development of the intellectual potential of talented young people, supporting scientific and creative activity, stimulating innovative activities of those who study and mastering  modern technologies. The event was organized by: the Ministry of…

DonSUIA is the best educational institution of Kirovohrad region in the field of “How are you?”program

On the occasion of the International Day of Psychic (Mental) Health, the regional forum “Sustainability of One Person Leads to Sustainability of Millions” was held in Kropyvnytskyi. Its aim is to sum up the results of implementing the All-Ukrainian mental health program “How are you?” at the regional level and present the Action Plan for…

Cyber security month: DonSUIA upgrades youth awareness of modern cyber threats

Within the month of cyber security, lecturers of the department of Operational Investigation and Information Security of the DonSUIA faculty of Training Specialist  for Criminal Police Units   organized a series of educational and practical events aimed at familiarizing the cadets with modern cyber threats. Among them a session dedicated to “Intelligence maps: ways to protect…

DonSUIA Adjunct Won All-Ukrainian Competition for Scientific Articles of Postgraduate Students in Public Law, Organized by Research Institute of Public Law

On October,8 the results of the All-Ukrainian competition for scientific articles of postgraduate students in public law were announced. Oksana Pysmenska, an adjunct of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, took the first place for a scientific article “Depravation of minors: its modern state and peculiarities of criminal legal countermeasures” (scientific supervisor – rector…