THE MISSION of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs is the formation of a highly educated personality with moral and democratic values, training a highly professional, competitive specialist who is aware of the essence and social significance of his\her profession, observes the law and is able to act according to the principles of justice for sustainable development of society.
The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs is considered to be an intellectual educational and scientific space integrated into the world scientific and educational community, based on the principles of integrity, professionalism, dedication, prestige, equality and gender-sensitive leadership for the sake of building a secure society.
The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs focuses on the values of professionalism, integrity, respect, customer service, responsibility and accountability, our staff strives for excellence and continuous improvement. In doing so, we shall adhere to the core values to guide our decisions and behavior. We value:
- professionalism- we strive to adhere to high standards of training and expertise by keeping abreast of new trends, standards, and technology in the field of law, law enforcement, economic, public administration;
- integrity- we are committed to honest and ethical behavior in our daily activities;
- respect- we value the dignity of every individual and respect ethnic and cultural diversity;
- customer Service- our aim is to deliver a high-quality efficient education service. We also recognize the need to involve the community as partners in creating a safe environment;
- responsibility & accountability-we will make effective use of our resources and provide a spirit of open communication and be held accountable for our actions, behavior, and performance;
- Making efficient use of our resources and providing open communication.


The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs begins its history with the Donetsk Special Police High School (1961), which was first located in the village of Novozhdanivka, Khartsyzsk district, Stalin region. In 1962 only 130 young police officers completed their studying there.
In 1965, after the relocation of the Donetsk Special Police High School to the city of Donetsk, the educational institution development began, including construction of the school campus.
In March 1992, the Donetsk Special Police Secondary School was reorganized into the Donetsk Police School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine.
The date of birth of the higher educational institution is February 8, 1993, when the Donetsk Institute of Internal Affairs was established on the basis of the Donetsk branch of distance learning of the Ukrainian Academy of Internal Affairs and the Donetsk Police School at the Donetsk State University. The institute began its development with 3 faculties and 8 departments, which were part of its structure.
There are many bright and sometimes heroic pages in the history of the educational institution. The cadets of the institute (former school) in different periods provided order and protection of the most important objects after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, protected civilians from gangsterism and racketeering in “hot” spots in the 80’s and 90’s, provided assistance in liquidation the consequences of natural disasters, etc.
In the city of Donetsk, more than 4,000 cadets, students from all regions of Ukraine studied at the institute. Every year 1000 specialists graduated from it. At that time, the Institute was licensed to provide educational services at the educational and qualification levels of “bachelor”, “specialist”, “master”.
The post-graduate education has been operating since 1997. Until 2014, the institute trained scientific and scientific-pedagogical staff to obtain the degrees of Candidates of Sciences in the scientific specialties of management theory; administrative law and process; finance law; information law; criminal procedure and criminology; forensic examination; operational and investigative activities; theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines. During this time, 150 people received a post-graduate degree of Candidate of Sciences.
In June 2014, in connection with Russia’s armed aggression and the occupation of Donetsk by Russian troops, the institute was relocated to Mariupol, where the operation of headquarters was provided, measures were taken to restore the document management of structural units, further development of the Institute activity as an internally displaced organization was provided. It was also possible to relocate part of the Institute to the city of Kryvyi Rih, where the institute resumed educational and scientific activities, and later it resumed educational and scientific activities in the city of Mariupol as well. The Donetsk Law Institute has been headed by the rector Doctor of Juridical Sciences, Professor, Police Colonel Serhii Vitvitsky since April 15, 2020
In 2021,the Donetsk Law Institute acquired the status of a University and changed its name to Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. Since then, the University has gained the status of a leading higher education institution in the Donetsk region and one of the best Universities in Ukraine.
On February 24, 2022, the University was evacuated from the city of Mariupol due to hostilities on the part of Russia, and the University premises were completely destroyed by the occupying troops of the Russian Federation. The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs is currently stationed in Kropyvnytskyi, rebuilding its facilities, material and technical base and continuing to develop educational innovations.
In 2023 the Luhansk State University named after Didorenko was integrated into the structure of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs as the Luhansk Educational Scientific Institute named after Didorenko with location in Ivano-Frankivsk.
At present, the structure of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs includes:
- the Mariupol primary vocational training center “Police Academy”, which includes a driving school;
- the Kryvyi Rih Educational and Scientific Institute;
- the Luhansk Educational and Scientific Institute named after E.O. Didorenko; the Luhansk primary vocational training center “Police Academy”.
Until 2022, the University had 2 specialized scientific councils for the defense of dissertations in 6 scientific specialties, in which 168 dissertations had been successfully defended. In the new conditions of reforming higher legal education, in accordance with the requirements of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine “On awarding the degree of Doctor of Philosophy”, orders of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine 18 more specialized scientific councils in the field of Law have been created at the University
That year in April, for the first time in the history of our University, a doctoral specialized scientific council on legal sciences (Order of the Ministry of Education and Science №320) was opened in three scientific specialties: 12.00.04 – commercial law, commercial procedural law; 12.00.07 – administrative law and process, finance law, information law; 12.00.09 – criminal proceedings and criminology, forensic examination, operational and investigative activities.
The DonSUIA publishes two professional publications of category “B”: a collection of scientific papers “Legal Journal of Donbass” (specialty 081 “Law”) and a scientific and practical journal “Ukrainian policing: theory, law, practice” (specialty 081 “Law”, 262 “Law Enforcement” activity”). As for the latter, we launched it in 2021. It was the requirement of time and an important step for the whole team to increase publishing activity, strengthen the authority of the National Police through the promotion of research in the field of policing. The Editorial Board fulfilled all the requirements and now by the order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine dated by 06.06.2022 № 530 the scientific and practical journal is included in the List of scientific periodicals and the List of scientific professional publications of Ukraine category “B”. This is the second professional publication of our institution. It is a significant event in the history of research development of the University.
The University provides education in scientific program “Law”, which provides for the acquisition of competencies sufficient to solve complex problems in jurisprudence, mastering the methodology of scientific research and teaching, as well as conducting its own research, the results of which have scientific , theoretical and practical significance.
It is possible to prepare a dissertation research in the specialty 081 “Law” in such scientific areas as:
- theory and history of state and law; history of political and legal doctrines;
- commercial law, commercial procedural law;
- Labor Law; social security law;
- administrative law and process; finance law; information law;
- criminal law and criminology; criminal executive law;
- criminal procedure and criminology; forensic examination; operational and investigative activities.
The scientific schools have been formed, authoritative and competent researchers with a proven level of scientific and professional activity promote and provide quality training for PhDs and PhDs according to higher education demands.
The Donetsk Regional Center of the National Academy of Legal Sciences of Ukraine, the Donetsk Regional Branch of the Center for Ukrainian-European Scientific Cooperation, and the International Association of Business Law operate in the University. The University is included in the Directorate of the European Public Law Organization.
There are also three research laboratories functioning on the basis of the University:
- Research Laboratory on Communities’ Public Security at the Faculty № 2 of the DonSUIA
- Research Laboratory on Solving Problems of Crime Prevention at the Faculty № 3 of the DonSUIA
- Research Laboratory on Problematic Issues of Law Enforcement of the KSEI DonSUIA
- Research Laboratory on Problematic Issues of Law Enforcement of the LESI named after E.O. Didorenko DonSUIA