Students of DonSUIA MPVTC “Police Academy” Improved Tactical Training Skills at Their Training Ground

Students of the Mariupol Primary Vocational Training Center “Police Academy” of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs worked out the skills of choosing a place for defense, using military shelters, coordinating actions of police and military units to maintain defensive positions, overcoming mine-explosive barriers and various obstacles. Work at the training ground is an…

Training for DonSUIA Cadets is Held on Sports Ground Built with Financial Support of the European Union

A modern sports ground was built in HEI within the framework of the project “Support to the displaced Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs,” implemented with the financial assistance of the European Union. This project is aimed at helping the displaced higher education institution, creating conditions for learning and implementing scientific projects in communities. On…

Seminar «Psychotrauma and Disorders Caused by It» Was Held in DonSUIA

Students of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, who specialize in “Legal Psychology” took part in the seminar “Psychotrauma and disorders caused by it”. The event was held by a practicing psychologist, a family counselor, a psychotherapist in positive psychotherapy, a member of Ukrainian Union of Psychotherapists, World association of positive and transcultural psychotherapy,…

Representatives of the EUAM in Ukraine paid a two-day working visit to DonSUIA

Senior advisor on the investigation of international crimes, Vincent Hognai, and an expert on legal issues of the European Union Advisory Mission in Ukraine, Dmytro Omelchenko, familiarized themselves with the activities of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. During the meeting, rector Serhii Vitvitskyi emphasized that strong and sustainable cooperation of the EUAM and…

DonSU is Implementing Special Program of Comprehensive Rehabilitation of Military Personnel

Sports rehabilitation of military personnel is one of the main areas of implementing the project of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine “Friendly Support” at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. The University specialists have developed a special program to improve physical fitness, strengthen immunity, restore proprioception and vestibular functions regardless of a…

Responding to the alarm: the DonSUIA held training of its staff and cadets on the actions in extreme conditions

Evacuation of the DonUIA higher education seekers and its staffers to the elementary shelters after the “Airborne alarm” signal was practiced. Within a minimum period of time, following the defined plan, training participants left the training premises and were relocated to a safe area. They also conducted an inspection of compliance with fire safety requirements…

Psychological Support in War Conditions: Experts of the World Health Organization got Interested in DonSUIA Practical Experience

Representatives of the international office of the World Health Organization, headed by the expert of the WHO headquarters, co-chair of the Global Reference Group on Mental health and Psychosocial Support in an Emergency Situation of the UN Interagency Standing Committee Dr. Fami Khanna, visited the Kirovohrad region. During the visit, a meeting was held in…

DonSUIA Honored the Memory of Defenders Who Died in the struggle for Independence, Sovereignty and Territorial Integrity of Ukraine

Today, Ukraine celebrates Remembrance Day of the defenders who died in the struggle for independence, sovereignty and territorial integrity of our state. It was established by the Decree of the President of Ukraine to perpetuate heroism of the servicemen and volunteers who gave their lives for their Motherland. On August 29, 2014, in sunflower fields…