DonSUIA cadet is the winner of regional stage of XXV International Ukrainian Language Competition named after Petro Yatsyk

Satik Vardanian, a higher education seeker of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, received the 1st degree diploma from the Department of Education and Science of the Kirovohrad Regional Military Administration for winning the third (regional) stage of the XXV International Ukrainian Language Competition named after Petro Yatsik. The purpose of the competition is…

Police quest: DonSUIA cadets worked out algorithm of actions at the scene of crime

An on-site binary class in educational disciplines “Criminal Process” and “Forensics” was held in the format of a police quest for cadets of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. At special locations, the participants worked out the algorithm for conducting an inspection of the…

Training for community police officers from 9 regions of Ukraine has started at DonSUIA

With the assistance of the Department of Preventive Activities of the National Police of Ukraine, the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs started the first in 2025 training in the “Community Police Officer” specialization. For 75 days 98 law enforcement officers from 9 regions of Ukraine will acquire theoretical and practical knowledge regarding the main…

Education without corruption: DonSUIA participated in developing Integrity Strategy

Kateryna Udod, an anti-corruption commissioner of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, took part in the session on developing Integrity Strategy in education. Its organizer was the Office of Integrity of the National Agency for Preventing Corruption with the support of the Anti-Corruption Initiative of the European Union in Ukraine (EUACI). The event was…

Graduation of master’s students took place at DonSUIA

Master’s graduates of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units, of specialty 081 “Law” completed their state certification and confirmed their high qualification and readiness for service. Young officers will continue their professional activities in mid-level positions in the bodies of the National Police of Ukraine in investigative units, an investigation sector and…

Joint Kyokushinkai karate training for war veterans and cadets was held at DonSUIA

As a part of the Ministry of Internal Affairs’ “Friendly Support” project, the Kyokushinkai karate classes for war veterans were held at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs. Vice President of the Strongman Federation of Ukraine Oleksandr Lashyn, combatants Mykhailo Drobotenko, Andrii Kazarin, Mykola Ivko, Yevhen Serhiienko, Oleksandr Dyvulskyi and higher education seekers joined…

Theory and practice in action: defense of master students’ internship was held in DonSUIA

Master students of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units in specialty 081 “Law” have undergone their internship in the territorial units of the National Police of Ukraine which has lasted three months. They demonstrated the acquired knowledge and skills to the commission members, which included academic and pedagogical staff of the Donetsk…

“Woman in science in conditions of war”: regional scientific discussion platform was held at DonSUIA

To the International Day of Women in Science, the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs hosted a regional scientific discussion platform “A woman in science in conditions of war”. The event was attended by the representatives of scientific communities of the Kirovohrad, Lviv, Odesa, Kyiv, Ternopil, and Dnipropetrovsk regions. The University vice-rector Olena Volobuieva welcomed…