European cooperation for education development: international project Erasmus+ is being implemented at DonSUIA

The first coordination meeting and introductory training on compliance management within the framework of the EUComplianceM4UA ERASMUS-EDU-2024-CBHE #101179706 project took place in the city of Wismar (Germany). The initiative is being implemented by the ERASMUS+ program of the European Union and is aimed at improving cooperation between higher education institutions of Ukraine and the EU…

DonSUIA joined the consortium for implementing Erasmus+ project on developing higher education potential

On the European Union official portal, the first statistic results of the competition of projects of the EU Erasmus+ Program for the development of higher education potential in 2024 have been published. The Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs is among the winners of the competition. The project consortium consists of four European and five…