Higher education seekers of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs met with acting head of the state supervision (control) department in the Kirovohrad region of the State Transport Safety Service of Ukraine (Ukrtransbezpeka) Olga Horzeieva and chief specialist of the legal department Yana Kravchenko.
The participants of the event discussed the key aspects of Ukrtransbezpeka’s activity: control over compliance with the requirements of legislation on road, railway and urban electric transport; ensuring dimensional and weight control of vehicles and safety of international transportation; carrying out technical investigation of traffic accidents and disasters.
Special attention was paid to innovative technologies, in particular automated weighing-in-motion (WIM) systems, which allow traffic flow control without stopping cars.
“Such meetings contribute to training highly qualified specialists who are able to work in conditions of modern challenges and create safe conditions for functioning of the transport infrastructure of Ukraine,” said head of the scientific society of students, cadets, trainees, postgraduate students, adjuncts and young scientists of the DonSUIA, Olga Haborets.
The event has been organized by the Council of Young Scientists and the scientific society of students, cadets, trainees, postgraduates, adjuncts and young scientists of the DonSUIA.