A championship of Ukraine in kiokushinkai karate in the sections “kata”, “kumite”, “team kata” among cadets and youth (men and women) and selection for the European Championship was held in Kropyvnytskyi.
213 athletes from 13 regions of Ukraine and the city of Kyiv fought for the title of the strongest.
A cadet of the faculty of training specialists for pre-trial investigation units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs Zhora Vardanian in the “kumite” section of youth (men) born in 2004-2006 in the absolute weight category took the first place. With this result, he received an opportunity to participate in the European Championship, which will be held in October 24-26 in Vroclav (Poland).
Associate professor of the department of special physical and pre-medical training of the DonSUIA, owner of the 4th dan black belt in kiokushinkai karate, candidate for master of sports in sambo and swimming, brunch chief of Ukraine Volodymyr Halimskyi and associate professor of the department of SF and PT candidate for master of sports in field hockey Inna Halimska trained the sportsman.