The causes of corruption, methods of its prevention, consequences and combating corruption in Ukraine and abroad were learned by the DonSUIA higher education seekers during a two-day training held in Kyiv.
The event was held with the assistance of the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in Ukraine, within the framework of the UN Program for Reconstruction and Peacebuilding with the financial support of the European Union.
The training program consisted of presentations and interactive lectures delivered by the speaker Ellen Podhor. from the USA. In the course of discussions, role-play games the participants had the opportunity to demonstrate their knowledge and acting skills. While doing group tasks, those present solved the problems of combating corruption.
The participants of the training learned about well-known historical punishments imposed by the courts for crimes related to corruption, and also drew up schemes on the types, causes, consequences and ways of minimizing corruption in Ukraine.
To sum up the results, a thematic quiz was held. The participants shared their impressions of the training and working in groups. At the end of the event, the participants received certificates.
The DonSUIA thanks the organizers and trainers for valuable information, experience and new acquaintances!