A plenary meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court was held. Its theme was: ” The main areas of activity of the Supreme Court and the role of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court in ensuring effective and fair protection of rights.”
The event was opened by the Head of the Supreme Court, Vsevolod Kniazev. He familiarized the participants with the activities of the court, organization of its work, and the experience of cooperation with the Scientific Advisory Council. He outlined the problems judges face and offered to provide recommendations regarding their solution.
At the plenary meeting of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court the DonSUIA was represented by Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Police Activities of the Faculty of Training Specialists for Police Units of the LSEI named after E.O. Didorenka DonSUIA / Yevhen Pysmenskyi and Doctor of Law, Professor, Head of the Department of Criminal Law Disciplines of KRSEI DonSUIA Tymur Loskutov.
The Head of the Supreme Court Vsevolod Kniazev presented Tymur Loskutov with a letter of thanks for his fruitful work and significant personal contribution to the activity of the Supreme Court.
During the meeting the floor was taken by the secretary of the Grand Chamber of the Supreme Court, the secretary of the Plenum of the Supreme Court, the academic secretary of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court, judges of the Supreme Court and members of the Scientific Advisory Council at the Supreme Court.
The participants discussed the role and importance of the Scientific Advisory Council for effective and fair protection of rights, the need for generalization and unification of judicial practice, specialization of the members of the Scientific Advisory Council, publication of scientific conclusions and the improvement of communication between the members of the Scientific Advisory Council and the judges of the Supreme Court.