Viktor Ponomarenko, a lecturer of administrative and legal disciplines department of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, and members of the department’s scientific society, cadets Vladyslav Luzan and Valeriia Maklakova, took part in the “It law talks” event in Kyiv. The event was initiated by the Council of Young Lawyers of Ukraine and Advocates’ Association Law Firm Hramatskiy&Partners.
«Talks» is a new format that combines all the best practices for the most effective professional upgrading and practical knowledge acquisition by young lawyers and advocates.
The participants of the event joined lively discussions and informal communication with experienced practitioners in the field of information law and worked on specific practical cases.
The DonSUIA police officers also acquired the following skills: competence in the field of IT disputes and real-life court practice; global trends and challenges in the IT sector during the war and in the process of rebuilding Ukraine; use of artificial intelligence (AI); GDPR at the international and national level and preparation of IT contracts.