For 369 higher education seekers of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs, who were sent to study there from 18 regions of Ukraine by the Main Office of the National Police, certification for obtaining a bachelor’s degree in the specialties «Law» and «Law Enforcement Activities» has begun.
Future investigators, operatives, and prevention staffers will take a certification exam in the theory of state and law, as well as comprehensive certification exams with the elements of a police quest in «Criminal law, criminal procedure, forensics», «Criminal law, criminal procedure, operational and investigative activities», «Police activities, administrative and jurisdictional activities of police», according to the chosen specialty.
Cadets must confirm their readiness to serve: demonstrate the knowledge and practical skills acquired during their training and improved in the course of internship.
Leading specialists from the investigative department, preventive activities and criminal police departments, of the Main Office of the National Police in the Kirovohrad region were involved in the certification.