A training “Ethical leadership and solving dilemmas. Restrictions and prohibitions as a component of virtuous behavior of a policeman” was held for higher education seekers – deputy platoon commanders at the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs.
The event was opened by Marina Kohut, coordinator of the NATO Integrity Education Program. She noted the key role of ethical leadership in shaping the professional environment and the need to constantly improve the level of integrity among the representatives of a security and defense sector.
On behalf of the DonSUIA rector Serhii Vitvitskyi the participants were welcomed by the University vice-rector Olena Volobuieva She emphasized the importance of forming high standards of ethical behavior among junior administrators: “Virtue is not only a set of rules and restrictions, but, above all, is an internal value that should become part of professional culture of every police officer.”
The event was moderated by Kateryna Udod, head of the DonSUIA Training Center “Education of Virtue”.
The cadets worked out practical aspects of ethical leadership, identified topical issues of declaring property and income, as well as mechanisms for preventing conflicts of interest.
Particular attention was paid to the analysis and consideration of real situations and ethical dilemmas that law enforcement officers may face performing their duties, as well as to working with the manual “Resolving dilemmas at the workplace in public sector”, developed by the NATO Integrity Education Program in cooperation with the Norwegian Center for Integrity in the Defense Sector.
According to the results of the training, the DonSUIA higher education seekers received practical tools for the development of ethical leadership and prevention of corruption risks in professional activities.