Cadets of the faculty of training specialists for preventive activities units of the Donetsk State University of Internal Affairs got familirized with the work of the department of organizational analytical support and operational response of the Main Office of the National Police in the Kirovohrad region.
The excursion was conducted by head of the duty unit, police lieutenant colonel Roman Tishkin. He spoke about the specifics of “102” service department activities, the procedure for receiving messages by its operator, the algorithm for responding to various types of administrative and criminal offenses, the functional responsibilities of dispatchers for controlling police squads, etc.
Senior inspector for special assignments of the situational department, police major Artur Shkvarko, informed the higher education seekers about the activities of the situational center, its main tasks, interaction with other law enforcement bodies, and the use of video surveillance cameras. He also demonstrated in practice how analytical programs work.
The event was organized by scientific and pedagogical staffers of the DonSUIA department of tactical and special training.