The task of the Mental Health Psychological Relief Room:
- restoring the social and psychological well-being of the cadets, students and staffers of the University in order to ensure their efficient activities.
- Based on the above, it is possible to formulate the following directions of activity of the Mental Health Psychological Relief Room: the educational direction involves training cadets and staffers in methods of self-regulation (self-training, stress management, psychophysical relaxation, respiratory technologies of self-regulation, etc.), education in the field of stress theory and psychological health;
- the diagnostic direction involves the assessment of the psycho-emotional state and the level of neuropsychological stability of the cadets and staffers;
- the preventive direction involves the implementation of measures to prevent psycho-emotional overloading, negative individual and personal psychological states;
- the health direction outlines forming in the cadets, students and staffers important for maintaining health psychological qualities of the individual, psychological stability, and readiness for the efficient performance of educational and professional activities.